Niles-Buchanan-Cass Area Transportation Study

Representing the Niles-Buchanan Cass Urbanized area.

In 1981, then Michigan Governor William Milliken designated the Southwest Michigan Planning Commission (SWMPC) as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) responsible for fulfilling all federally required transportation planning requirements in the Niles-Buchanan Urbanized Area.

The Niles-Buchanan-Cass Area Transportation Study (NATS) represents the Niles-Buchanan Urbanized area.

Members of these two organizations, such as cities, townships, villages, counties, public transit agencies, the airport authority, and the road department appoint representatives to serve on the following sub-committees, who then provide local, state, and federal input toward the development of essential transportation planning services that SWMPC relies on for guidance:

  • The Technical Advisory Committee is comprised of planners, engineers, transit operators, and local units of government. This committee provides technical assistance to SWMPC staff and makes recommendations to the Policy Committee on potential actions.

  • The Policy Committee is comprised of representatives from similar agencies as the Technical Advisory Committee and is responsible for establishing transportation policies, overseeing the planning process, and providing a forum for cooperative decision-making.

NATS Proposed 2026-2029 Transportation Projects Map

NATS Proposed 2026-2029 Transportation Project List

NATS Candidate Project Applications

NATS 2026-2029 STBG Funding Call for Projects Information & Application

2023 - 2026 Approved Projects

2024 Obligation Report


Major Planning Documents