Our Team

Meet our team

Our world demands that we approach the challenges of the day like housing, mobility, broadband access, the environment, and economic prosperity as opportunities for thoughtful, creative solutions. Every day, the team at the Southwest Michigan Planning Commission (SWMPC) is at work preparing a more complete understanding of some of the most pressing challenges of our time and devising solutions. We help the people and communities of Southwest Michigan; our work results in a healthier environment, cleaner water, transportation networks that function better, and focused citizen engagement.

K. John Engelhaaf

K. John Egelhaaf

Executive Director

Email: egelhaafj@swmpc.org

Phone: (269) 925-1137 ext. 1512

Read more: K. John Egelhaaf

Kimberly Gallagher

Kimberly Gallagher

Senior Planner

Email: gallagherk@swmpc.org

Phone: (269) 925-1137 ext. 1518

Read more: Kimberly Gallagher

Brandon Kovnat

Brandon Kovnat

Transportation Planner

Email: kovnatb@swmpc.org

Phone:  (269) 925-1137 ext. 1524

Read more: Brandon Kovnat

Jerrid Burdue

Jerrid Burdue

Senior Development Planner

Email: burduej@swmpc.org

Phone:  (269) 925-1137 ext. 1517


Marcy Hamilton

 Marcy Hamilton

Deputy Director/Senior Planner

Email: hamiltonm@swmpc.org

Phone: (269) 925-1137 ext. 1525

Read more: Marcy Hamilton

Jill Plescher

Jill Plescher

Geographic Information System Specialist

Email: plescherj@swmpc.org

Phone: (269) 925-1137 ext. 1522

Read more: Jill Plescher

Maria Vettraino

Maria Vettraino

Office/Business Manager

Email: vettrainom@swmpc.org

Phone: (269) 925-1137 ext.1520

Read more: Maria Vettraino

Bekah Schrag

Bekah Schrag

Associate Planner

Email: schragb@swmpc.org

Phone: (269) 925-1137 ext. 1521

Read more: Bekah Schrag