Materials Management Planning Committee Monday, April 21, 2025

1:00 p.m.

Pokagon Band Community Center

  • Materials Management

Southwest Michigan Materials Management Planning Committee

1:00 p.m.

Pokagon Band Community Center

27043 Potawatomi Trail

Dowagiac, MI 49047

Meeting packets which include agendas and supporting documents will be posted seven days prior to the meeting.  Cancelation notices are also posted seven days prior to scheduled meetings.

      For more information about meetings contact:

      Bekah Schrag - 

All public meetings held by the Southwest Michigan Planning Commission, are required to be accessible to persons with disabilities under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Accommodations are available upon request to persons with disabilities who require alternately formatted materials or auxiliary aids to ensure effective communication and access to public meetings or programs. For questions about accessibility or to request accommodations, please contact Bekah Schrag at (269) 925-1137 ext. 1521 or by email at  Providing at least 7 days advance notice will help to ensure availability.